Theoretical Strength Properties of Unidirectional Reinforced Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 6 | 2013
Pages: 83-98
Abstract text:
Available unidirectional fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite products have a large spectrum of properties, based on the intrinsic characteristics of the constituents and on their proportions. Mechanical properties of FRP composites can be determined experimentally but this manner may become cost prohibitive because of the large number of necessary specimens. Moreover, strength properties should be predicted during the design phase of a FRP product, in order to fulfill the requierments of its end use and to reduce the production costs. One way to calculate these properties is by using micromechanics theory. This paper presents the available micromechanical approaches utilized to determine the strength properties of unidirectional FRP composites in terms of tensile, compressive and shear loads for both longitudinal and transverse direction. The failure mechanisms for each type of loading is presented together with the triggered formulas.
Key Words:
micromechanics; tensile strength; compressive strength; shear strength; failure mechanism.
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