Experimental Results Regarding Structural Response of Bolted and Hybrid Connections for Pultruded Elements
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 6 | 2013
Pages: 73-82
Abstract text:
The experimental results obtained from testing three series of specimens consisting of bolted and hybrid single lap joints with two and four steel bolts are presented in this paper. Adherents are manufactured from glass fibre reinforced polyesters (GFRP) having 48 mm, respectively 100 mm width, and 6 mm thickness. By means of this experimental program the failure modes, ultimate strengths and displacements have been evaluated. In the case of joints with bolts tightened by hand, the best results have been obtained for specimens with four diameters edge distance. For specimens with 10 N.m and 20 N.m tightening torque applied to bolts, the values of the ultimate strengths are 16%...31% higher than those tightened by hand. The values of the hybrid connections (bolted/adhesively bonded) have registered an increase of the ultimate strengths of 5%...17% and a reduction of the ultimate displacements of 24%...60% in comparison with bolted joints.
Key Words:
bolted joints; hybrid joints; pultruded composites.
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