Thermal Conductivity Determination for Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Elements Used in Enclosure Masonry Walls
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 6 | 2013
Pages: 33-42
Abstract text:
In the current context, where the climate changes effects are developing continuously, with a permanent intensification, the energy efficiency of buildings became a starting point in current building design. The energy efficiency of a building is directly influenced by the thermal performances of the envelope. Therefore, desingning of envelope elements whose global thermal resistance exceed the required minimum values, is a mandatory measure. Increasing thermal performances of enclosure mansonry walls; it can be made by thermal insulating or by using masonry blocks with low thermal conductivity. In this category of building materials it can be found also autoclaved aerated concrete blocks. The paper presents some experimental determination of thermal conductivity for AAC blocks manufactured in our country. The measurements ware made in the Laboratory of Building Physics within Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services from Iaşi. Furthermore, the equivalent thermal conductivity of an AAC masonry was determined by using an FEM software and mathematical calculus.
Key Words:
energy performance; AAC masonry blocks; thermal conductivity; climate chamber.
Author(s) Information
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