Modelling Methods for Unreinforced Masonry Structures
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 6 | 2013
Pages: 19-32
Abstract text:
Studies concerned with evaluation and rehabilitation of historical masonry structures consider structural analysis in order to better understand the seismic behaviour of these buildings, to define the causes for present damage and to asses the safety level for a large variety of actions. Structural analysis such as linear, plastic or nonlinear analysis contributes to all the stages and activites related to the evaluation and rehabilitation process. This paper follows a description of the modelling methods of masonry structures taking into consideration different modelling strategies in correlation with the complexity of the analysed elements and the expected type of results. Advantages and disavantages of different modelling techniques and the applicability of these methods in the field of old masonry structures assessment are presented.
Key Words:
masonry structures; modelling methods; strategy.
Author(s) Information
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