Application of Numerical Methods in Design of Embedded Retaining Structures According to Eurocode 7
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 5 | 2013
Pages: 171-180
Abstract text:
Embedded retaining structures are commonly designed based on the limit equilibrium concept. This approach may sometimes leads to significant shortcomings, mainly because it is difficult, often impossible, to estimate the effect that soil movement may have on adjacent buildings or services. Contrary to the traditional design methods, and as an alternative to them, numerical solutions, now based mostly upon finite element and finite difference techniques, can provide the engineer with all the desired design information in a consistent manner, due to its comprehensive modeling capability (e.g. complex soil behavior, practically any type of geometry and loading conditions). Application of numerical methods for ultimate limit state design in accordance with Eurocode 7 is highlighted in the present paper. Some conclusive remarks are made regarding the numerical modeling in a finite element environment (choosing and defining the model geometry, calibration, etc).
Key Words:
excavation; Eurocode 7; retaining structures; numerical analysis.
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