Market Conditions, Education and Legislation Needed to Promote Construction of High Performance in Romania
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 5 | 2013
Pages: 143-154
Abstract text:
Analysis of market conditions requires a full investigation of the urban structure, defined as a system of social components, physical and economic, which is influenced in most cases by the differences due to geographical location, city size, economic activities, technologies and cultural norms. Throughout the history, the education has demonstrated the vital role for the development of civilization, culture, humanity, and to improve order and rationality in social life, to cultivate spiritual values. Buildings are among the most important manufactured products, as they provide a safe framework for the most human activities and have the longest period of use. Therefore, any construction must meet a rich set of requirements determined by the needs of use and aesthetic ones, and their quality is assessed by the criteria stipulated in the technical regulations. In construction, the basics that lead to the definition of performance are: user requirements, performance requirements, performance criteria, performance levels. Progress of any society is based on the major investment efforts, which contribute to the new construction, and the restoration, renovation and modernization of infrastructure and superstructure still available to that community. The paper presents some relevant aspects of market conditions, educational and construction legislation in Romania. Key factors nominees develops complex interdependence and promotes high performance in construction, development of technology and engineering sciences.
Key Words:
market conditions; education; legislation; construction of high performance.
Author(s) Information
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