Establishing the Design Fire Parameters for Buildings
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 5 | 2013
Pages: 133-142
Abstract text:
For building design, fire safety is the second important key requirement (according to European legislation). The engineering approach of fire safety use, among other things, the concept of fire design, as a model that estimates the severity of a fire developed in the conditions of a specified space; this should capture the reality of the possible danger. The present paper is a review of the procedures to establish an appropriate fire model for a known situation, specifying the parameters values that define the heat flow variation with time, procedures based on the rate of heat release (RHR), depending on the type of the analysed building.
Key Words:
design fires; fire safety engineering; fire load; rate of heat release; heat release rate.
Author(s) Information
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