The Robustness Evaluation of a Wooden Building
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 5 | 2013
Pages: 85-94
Abstract text:
The concept of robustness is relatively new and has emerged as a result of reaching the collapse of some buildings in accidental or exceptional circumstances, collapse incompatible with the initial degradation that represented "ground zero" of the axis of collapse production. Eurocode 1 defines robustness as "the ability of a structure (or portion of the structure) to withstand extreme events (such as fire, explosion, impact or consequences of errors due to human nature) without suffering degradation disproportionate the original cause". Robust design of a structure should not be seen as an oversizing of all elements, but as an additional sizing of elements to make a structure to have a satisfactory reaction to the emergence of exceptional actions. This paper presents methods and models to assess the robustness of a wooden building, analysing risk of accidental actions and measures that can ensure structural robustness.
Key Words:
wooden building; robustness; probability; reliability.
Author(s) Information
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