Wind Loads on Structures: Software Application. II. Towers
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 5 | 2013
Pages: 49-62
Abstract text:
The paper presents a design example for the computation of wind forces on lattice towers using a software application designed and implemented by the author. The purpose of the software is to evaluate wind loads on typical structures such as: multistory buildings, industrial buildings and steel lattice towers based on the Romanian wind code CR 1-1-4/2012. The field of application of CR 1-1-4 is limited to buildings and structures with a height less than 200 m and bridges with a length up to 200 m and does not consider lattice towers with non-parallel legs. For such structures, the code states that reference should be made to SR EN 1993-3-1, the software application making use of the therein procedure to evaluate force coefficients for lattice towers.
Key Words:
wind software; wind codes; lattice towers; wind action.
Author(s) Information
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