The Responsibility of the Factors Involved in Checking the Awarded Documentation and Means of Attack within the Process of Public Procurement
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 5 | 2013
Pages: 33-40
Abstract text:
Like all activities covered by the law, the procurement process requires the existence of appropriate controls at all stages of its development. Control is performed by bodies authorized by law and in whose sphere of activity lies their responsibility. In this paper we will present schematically the stages of public procurement as well as the sequence of activities within these phases provided by the legislation in force governing public procurement, namely G.E.O no.34/2006, as amended by Government Emergency Ordinance 77/2012. We will also investigate the remedies provided by the regulations in force, which will be used by those who have a legitimate interest in a public contract. Also, we will analyse the functioning efficiency of some solution operations of bodies responsible for remedies in the procurement process, taking into account the time, but also how these complaints have been resolved in recent years.
Key Words:
stages; public procurement; complaint; contracting authority.
Author(s) Information
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