Replacement of Conventional Shear Reinforcement in a Steel Fibre Reinforced-Ultra High Performance Cement Beam
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 5 | 2013
Pages: 27-32
Abstract text:
Due to the fact that time is wasted in the process of stirrups assembling in a concrete beam, urge the researchers to find an alternative method. The most effective solution is eliminating the stirrups by using the dispersed reinforcement. By increasing the concrete strength lightly elements can be obtained. Combining these aspects new structural solutions can be achieved, easily and rapidly. In a modern building, the utility ducts can reduce the free building height with the reason that they need to be hidden. An economical solution is to be placed through the beams. The elements needs to have web-openings and this can cause several problems to the production of the beam. By replacing conventional shear reinforcement with fibres, a sufficient reinforcement can be achieved also for the web-openings.
Key Words:
steel fibres; shear; UHPC; web-opening.
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