Evaluation of Tensile Properties for Pultruded Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyesters Coupons
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 4 | 2013
Pages: 169-180
Abstract text:
This work studies the tensile properties in longitudinal and transverse direction of a pultruded composite material manufactured from E-glass fibres reinforced isophthalic polyesters (GFRP). Ten samples for each principal direction have been cut to size from strips 100x6 mm and loaded in tension. Instrumentation of the specimens with various transducers as extensometers, linear variable differential transducers, strain gauges, and load cell provided the data needed to determine the tensile ultimate strengths, strains and displacements, tensile moduli of elasticity and the Poisson’s ratio. Experimental results have been compared and are in agreement with data obtained by numerical simulations using the ANSYS software. In comparison with the data provided by manufacturer, the values of tensile chord moduli of elasticity obtained experimentally are with 40% higher for the longitudinal direction and with 19% for the transverse direction.
Key Words:
glass fibres; isophthalic polyesters; tensile stress; tensile strains; tensile modulus; pultruded composites.
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