Finite Element Analysis of Beam-Column Bolted End-Plate Connections in Steel Frames
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 4 | 2013
Pages: 117-130
Abstract text:
In order to investigate the characteristics of beam-column bolted end-plate connections in steel frames, ANSYS, a large-scale general-purpose finite-element package is selected to analyse several end-plate connections with various types and details. From the finite element analysis (FEA), the interaction between the end-plate and column flange, as well as geometric and material nonlinearities have been considered. Based on the results of FEA, the loading resistance and rotational stiffness of these connections and the tension forces distribution of the bolts have been presented, and the influences of connection details on the connection behavior have been discussed.
Key Words:
end-plate connection; finite element analysis; steel frame.
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