Time History Analysis in Case of a Wind Turbine
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 4 | 2013
Pages: 89-98
Abstract text:
Due to the extended demands of the sustainability concept a new type of power source was needed at the entire world level. Therefore, in the past decade the wind turbine construction was highly extended. But this aspect came also with special design and building problems, especially in seismic areas. Romania is located in a seismic area having in Vrancea region the epicenter of major tectonic earthquakes relevant for the Eastern Europe. Therefore, in wind turbine design it is necessary to consider apart from the wind action as well as the seismic action when analysing the towers of wind turbines. The knowledge of the natural modes of vibration of the structure is an evaluation method of structural response under dynamic actions. Also, the response spectrum from a time history analysis can offer a better insight of the structural behavior. In order to consider the soil structure interaction the substructure method was used considering springs to model the soil structure interaction effects. This paper presents the results of a time history analysis on a 70 m tall wind turbine considering four different types of supports. The purpose of these analyses is to evaluate the maximum responses of this type of structures under the action of 1977 Vrancea’s earthquake.
Key Words:
time history analysis; dynamic analysis; soil structure interaction; FE analysis; wind turbines.
Author(s) Information
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