Influence of Stiffness on the Torsional Response of One Story Structure
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 4 | 2013
Pages: 21-30
Abstract text:
The design provisions establish compliance guidelines, computational methods and detailed rules in order to achieve a corresponding safety degree in accordance with the seismic hazard associated to the building site. The seismic codes include design rules for considering the effects of torsional behavior occurring in asymmetric structures where the ratio of their translational and torsional periods (uncoupled) approaches to unity. Multi-storey models were used to study, in a realistic way, the asymmetric structures response. However due to their complexity this models are used to study a few cases of actual structures. For this reason, single storey model remains adequate to obtain general information on the torsional behavior of asymmetric structures. The model used in this case study is a one storey model. The analysis is performed in elastic domain using the time-history method. In this paper the gravitational loads and elements stiffness, the influence of asymmetric distribution on the dynamic amplification factor, the deformation and torsional responses are studied.
Key Words:
elements stiffness; eccentricity; torsional response; FEM.
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