Inovative Shelter Solution
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 3 | 2013
Pages: 171-182
Abstract text:
Considering the effects and the impossibility to avoid major natural disaster, post disaster measurements need to be considered. In order to be more efficient in case of a natural disaster, important research in being conducted to obtain the best suited shelter for affected people. In this paper an innovative solution for a shelter in case of natural disaster is presented. The main advantages are that it can be transformed into a permanent building element, can be used at different temperatures and is easy to connect. It can be used as a singular module or can be used as an assembly of more than two modules interconnected in different ways. Computational simulations in all loading cases have been performed according to European design codes, using FEM analysis-based programs. The obtained results have proven the needed strength and stiffness characteristics of the structures are fulfilled. The cost and erection time have been reduced to a minimum, making it highly accessible.
Key Words:
temporary shelter; kinetic building parts; adaptability; deployable arch; polycarbonate; design and erection
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