General Principles for the Design and Construction of Ventilated Façades

Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 3 | 2013
Pages: 161-170
Abstract text:
Ventilation of wall and roof elements can decrease the heat transfer through the building envelope and consequently reduce the demand for the conventional insulation materials. Moreover, a two stages tightening protection against wind and rain is obtained, that has been proven to reduce the occurrence of building defects of the outer layer. Nevertheless, there is a few data about the design, execution and maintenance of these constructive systems. This paper aims to provide the basic principles for the correct design and construction of ventilated façades, starting with the specific requirements for each constitutive element and offers general recommendations for ventilated systems design.
Key Words:
ventilated façades; air channel; design requirements; building defects

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