Comparative Analysis of the Bending Theories for Isotropic Plates – Case Study
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 3 | 2013
Pages: 133-146
Abstract text:
This paper presents an overview of the governing eqs. for the bending study of the isotropic plates, with several known plate theories from the literature. For the high order theories (Mindlin and Reddy), which take in consideration the transverse shear strains, are mentioned the differences compared to the classical plate theory (Kirchhoff). Furthermore a case study is presented on a reinforced concrete plate with the purpose to find the displacements relative errors of Mindlin and Kirchhoff plate theories compared to a 3-D analysis. The plate thickness is the parameter which was varied from 0.1 to 0.8 m. There were two softwares used in the comparison: SAP2000 and ANSYS 12, each of these two having both Mindlin and Kirchhoff plate theories implemented. In the end it is shown for both softwares the variation of the relative error for the displacement from the middle of the plate with the thickness of the plate.
Key Words:
plate theories; governing eqs.; bending displacement, relative error
Author(s) Information
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