Assessment and Consolidation of a Buildings Framing Elements
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 3 | 2013
Pages: 125-132
Abstract text:
This paper aims to asses, propose and remediate the damages appeared in time on an existing building. The subject of this expertise is a building with a family home purpose GF+1L. For preparing the paper were taken into account all the factors that influence the quality of the work performed. Regarding the expertise done on the roof, there was found that due to his age and poor maintenance in time, the components of the roof structure of the building were affected by storm water infiltration through the roof. The causes and factors that led to the production of degradation are a) the action, on the building, of some factors that were not initially foreseen in the project; b) premature aging of components used in construction; c) execution failures that have increased in time due to the exploitation of the construction or the use of poor quality construction materials; d) attrition; e) humidity; f) climate factors (temperature and its variations). All rehabilitation works proposed and implemented aimed to the increasing safety of the building and also the assurance of continuity use of the building concerned.
Key Words:
framing; walls; gutter; eaves; purlin; roof
Author(s) Information
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