The Strenghtening of the Damaged Historic Masonries by Using Specials Mortars
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 3 | 2013
Pages: 113-124
Abstract text:
Rehabilitation of the historical built heritage over the last decades has recorded a massive awareness, the importance of structural rehabilitation of historical buildings, to preserve the cultural heritage, becoming a constant preoccupation of researchers and practitioners in the field. It is well known that most of the historic structures (given their age) are structures of masonry with low strength mortars. Low strength mortars or weak mortars are defined as those in which the binder can be hydrated lime, clay or combinations between them. It is obvious that there are major differences between the mechanical characteristics of the pieces of masonry (stone, brick) and the used binder (mortar). Because of this, the cracks in brickwork often appear in the joints, at the interface mortar–brick. The studied method in this paper represents the increase of the strength of damaged masonry by consolidating the joints with different types of mortars with addition. In the research program carried out at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Building Services were analysed the physico-mechanical characteristics of the materials component and of the results obtained by joints rehabilitation using special mortars having in their components different addition (cement with rubber powder type FlexCement, reinforced cement with polypropylenic fiber type EdiFiber3, additives for increasing the adhesion type Ceresit CM11, superior class eco cement based mortar), by testing the consolidated specimens at centric compression. Results of the experimental tests revealed significant increase of compressive strength and improved failure modes, depending on the type of mortar used.
Key Words:
structural rehabilitation; weak mortars; joints strengthening; structural response
Author(s) Information
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