Evaluation of the Structural Response of Different Joint Configurations for Pultruded Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyester Beams. Experimental Setup
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 3 | 2013
Pages: 103-112
Abstract text:
This paper presents an experimental set up for the evaluation of structural response of glass fibre reinforced polyesters (GFRP) beams with different joint configurations. Five series of I-120 × 6 mm GFRP beams subjected to bending will be investigated to study the bending capacity of the bolted connections. The first series includes standard control specimens while the second and the third series specimens were joined mechanically with GFRP and steel plates using steel bolts. Series four and five contain specimens with mechanical-adhesively bonded joints and specimens with consolidated holes using bonded aluminium inserts. The test setup and instrumentation of specimens enable determining the failure loads observing the behaviour and failure modes of pultruded I-beams manufactured from glass fibre reinforced polyesters subjected to flexure.
Key Words:
composites; GFRP beams; bolted connections; hybrid joints
Author(s) Information
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