Quantification of Solar Infrared Radiation Impact on Opaque Surfaces of Residential Buildings Envelope as Heat Gain Factor for Optimized Energy Balance Model
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 3 | 2013
Pages: 55-70
Abstract text:
The authors clarifie key aspects regarding the capacity of building envelope opaque surfaces to capture and store solar energy and new opportunities emerging in determining the optimal net thermal energy demand for heating residential buildings following the freshest information provided in the updated international norm EN ISO 13790:2008. These ones aims to identify key indicators thoroughly edifying for their intended purpose and shaping usage through case studies developed using numerical simulations based on the relationship between exterior walls parameters and specific climatic data for 5 major locations.
Key Words:
optimization; infrared solar radiation; solar heating; buildings envelope; heat balance; black walls; emissivity
Author(s) Information
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