Investigation of Iaşi County by Using Modern Assesment Criteria for Landscape and Habitat Fragmenatation
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 3 | 2013
Pages: 37-44
Abstract text:
With the economic development and human settlement growth occurs a continuous need for the development of transport networks. This leads to an increase in takeover and fragmentation of natural habitat. To reduce the environmental effects of these developments careful analysis and a careful planning of various engineering projects must be made. A detailed analysis of the aspects given by the increase in traffic density can be achieved by tracking the time evolution of the number of vehicles for each sense. Expansion of transport infrastructure and the continuous increase in traffic poses a serious threat to biodiversity through the proximity and disorder impact and by creating barriers that prevent the migration of wildlife in nature. Fragmentation affects in the same matter the natural habitat, agriculture, human communities, recreation areas, water natural regime, air quality and urban life. Even if conservation programs for large unfragmented areas exist, fragmentation has continued to grow over the last 20 years because of the many projects for expansion and modernization of transport infrastructure. For this reason, data are needed on the of fragmentation degree, data that can be used to assess areas that are undergoing physical changes by expanding engineering and human settlements.
Key Words:
fragmentation; habitat; mitigation; impacts; landscape
Author(s) Information
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