Some Aspects Concerning the Increasing the Energy Efficiency for Buildings Made of Brickwork and Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Masonry
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 3 | 2013
Pages: 9-18
Abstract text:
In the present context of the continuous increase of worldwide energy prices and of the concern to support the global efforts to improve climate change, each state has developed a strategy to increase the energy efficiency of buildings. The method of insulation the exterior walls of buildings by applying the thermal insulation layer on the outside is well known and has many advantages. There are also some cases where, due to several factors, the method of insulation on the inner surface of the exterior wall is used, which requires a careful analysis of the adopted solutions. This paper presents a study of the results of measures made in order to increase energy efficiency in the case of collective residential buildings, as well as a verification of the risk of condensation in the structure of an exterior wall, where the additional insulation is applied on the inside surface of it.
Key Words:
energy efficiency; thermal rehabilitation; condensation risk
Author(s) Information
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