Features of Zeolitic Tuffs Used in Building Constructions
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 2 | 2013
Pages: 147-156
Abstract text:
The increased need to replace existing materials (ceramic bricks, steel, concrete) with low embodied energy materials and good thermal insulation properties has required the capitalization on local resources. The present paper analyses zeolitic volcanic tuffs from Macicas quarry (NW from Cluj-Napoca town) from the point of view of putting them into value as natural and ecological building materials. The samples were tested for their physical and mechanical properties. The following methods and techniques were used: X-ray diffractions (XRD), which highlighted the mineralogical composition of the volcanic tuff and especially the high level of the present zeolites (clinoptilolite – 63.72% and phillipsite – 11.05%); microscopical tests on thin sections, which allowed the noticing of the processes of alteration of the volcanic glass, feldspars, mica, quartz, and electronic microscopy (SEM) in order to identify the zeolite crystals inside the voids of the tuff samples (Clinoptilolite). The tests (density, porosity, thermal conductivity, compressive strength) and mainly the high zeolite content (over 70%) proved that the tuffs have properties comparable to those of other building materials.
Key Words:
zeolitic tuff; mineralogy; thermal stability; energy; clinoptilolit; philipsite.
Author(s) Information
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