Possible Use of Ferrocement in Romania
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 2 | 2013
Pages: 121-130
Abstract text:
The present paper will give a review of former and new developments in the research of ferrocement as a construction material. Even if in the ’80…’90 the focus in using the ferrocement for structural elements was high, nowadays it is almost forgotten, especially in Romania. At the same time we need economical, sustainable and efficient buildings to keep up with the new environmental and social challenges. Several types of constructions are presented in this paper to show the applicability of this material in our country. One of the main characteristic is the small dimensions so the rigidity of the ferrocement element comes from the designed shape and in the cases presented here is the dome shape.
Key Words:
dome; storage; biogasplant; school; low cost housing.
Author(s) Information
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