A Theoretical Review of the Damage Indices Used to Model the Dynamic Nonlinear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 2 | 2013
Pages: 109-120
Abstract text:
Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials. Even before being subjected to any type of external load the reinforced concrete elements are damaged – cracks and fissures are present in concrete. These are the microcracks formed due to shrinkage, hydration and carbonation. Under various types of external loading microcracks lead to form macrocracks, which, under certain circumstances, propagate and can lead to structural failure. Given the nature of the seismic load, when analysing reinforced concrete structures subjected to earthquakes, it is desirable to account for the structural damage. This can be done by using damage indices. This paper reviews the measures of damage phenomena which governs structural degradation and/or collapse. It includes a general overview of damage indices either local or global. In the final part, the correlation between the analytically obtained damage indices and actual damage state is presented.
Key Words:
local damage indices; global damage indices; damage state.
Author(s) Information
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