A New Type of Structure Made of Precast Concrete Frames for Civil Buildings
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 2 | 2013
Pages: 97-108
Abstract text:
The paper aims to synthetically explain the embedded energy term, its quantity variation according to different types of structures for civil buildings, the amount of energy embedded in different building materials and the amount of energy required in operating a civil building. To highlight the quantity variation of embedded energy and of operational energy, depending on the type of structure, in this paper is analysed a multi-storey house, with B+GFl+1Fl system of height, having in the first case the load bearing structure made of reinforced concrete frames and in the second case a new type of structure made of precast concrete frames. All calculations in this study lead to the conclusion that choosing the type of load bearing structure for civil buildings is a complex process that can influence energy consumption.
Key Words:
energy efficiency; energy consumption; load bearing structure; building materials.
Author(s) Information
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