Seismic Damage Evaluation of an RC Dissipative Wall
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 2 | 2013
Pages: 79-96
Abstract text:
An economic design of buildings based on performance criteria takes into account the dissipation of the seismic energy accumulated in the structure. In a tall structural wall, plastic hinges appear only at the base of the wall and the rest of the wall, which has not ductility resources, remains undamaged. A solution to increase the seismic performance of a reinforced concrete structural wall is to create a slit zone with short connections. Yielding of this shear connections increases the energy dissipation. The objective of these solutions is to create an improved structure for tall multi-storey buildings that has a rigid behaviour at low seismic action and turns into a ductile one in the case of a high intensity earthquake. In this paper, a comparative nonlinear dynamic analysis between slit walls and solid walls is performed by means of SAP2000 software and using a layer model. Our main objective is to evaluate the damage of slit walls in comparison with that of a solid wall.
Key Words:
slit wall; layer model; incremental dynamic analysis; energy dissipation; damage index.
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