Some Consideration Concerning the Entropy Concept in the Evaluation of Materials Proprieties

Tomme: LI (LV) Fascicle: 3-4 | 2005
Pages: 33-38
Abstract text:
Homogeneity is a general concept often used in science and mainly engineering as a work hypothesis with essential implications in the expression of some rules. From a mechanical viewpoint, the features of a material are expressed by the characteristics that define them, the latter being determinate by the chemical and physical features of the constituent material. In this paper is used the entropy concept defined in the information theory, on which basis are defined the notions of degree of homogeneity and homogeneity factor. With means of these sizes different statistics populations can be analysed. Particularly it refers to the elasticity moduli of the steel. For example have been considered the two statistics series representing the elasticity moduli obtained by testing some steel square tubular bars.
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