Indoor Environmental Quality. Risk Assessment Concerning Occupants Comfort and Health
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 1 | 2013
Pages: 191-202
Abstract text:
Indoor Environmental Quality has become lately one very important requirement that must be analysed for both new buildings, for buildings that are in the design phase and for existing buildings, on the entire period of exploitation. Users protection against environment hazards is reflected in the need for people to make theres activity in a healthy environment, comfortable and, not least, fun. This study is intended to be an analysis of the main harmful factors affecting indoor environmental quality in public buildings with high occupancy, enumerating the main theoretical concepts that affect the health of building occupants. To create a pleasant indoor environment it must be analysed a number of factors that depend on user requirements, the constructive possibilities, as well as restrictions imposed by technical standards that refer to this chapter.
Key Words:
Indoor Environmental Quality; public buildings; indoor comfort
Author(s) Information
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