Soil–Structure Interaction in Case of a Wind Turbine
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 1 | 2013
Pages: 159-174
Abstract text:
In Romania the wind turbine construction is extending. It is known that our country is located in a seismic area. Therefore it is necessary to consider wind as well as the seismic action when analysing the towers of wind turbines. Knowing the natural modes of vibration of the structure is an evaluation method of structural response under dynamic actions. This aspect becomes of a high interest in a wind turbine analysis because it is necessary to avoid entering the resonance range. There are two methods used to highlight the soil structure interaction effects, namely the substructure method when the soil stiffness is modeled through springs and the finite element method which analyses the entire structure including the foundation soil. A comparison of a dynamic analysis of a 70 meters tall wind turbine considering both above mentioned methods, is presented.
Key Words:
wind turbines; soil–structure interaction; FE analysis; dynamic analysis; resonance
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