Bond–Slip Behavior of Self Compacting Concrete
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 1 | 2013
Pages: 139-146
Abstract text:
For the design of structural elements, bond behaviour plays an important role; therefore it is important to investigate the bond behaviour of normal vibrated concrete in comparison with self-compacting concrete. This paper aims to investigate the bond with reinforced bar of a new construction material, self-compacting concrete, the bond strength between reinforcing steel and concrete was determined by beam tests carried out after 28 days. Deformed bars S500 with 16 mm and 18 mm effective diameters were used to evaluate the bond in C50 and self-compacting concrete, according to RILEM procedures. Also in this study the hardened properties of self compacting concrete containing limestone powder were experimentally investigated and compared with those of normal vibrating concrete. The main parameters were: the concrete compressive strength, the steel bar diameter and the type of concrete. According to the obtained results, self-compacting concrete and normal vibrating concrete presented quite similar behaviour, so it can be concluded that self-compacting concrete has similar or better behaviour in comparison with normal vibrating concrete.
Key Words:
compressive strength; limestone powder; beam tests
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