Design Properties of a Construction Layered Element Made of Polymeric Composites. Thermal Conductivity Study Case
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 1 | 2013
Pages: 125-138
Abstract text:
Buildings are built to serve the common needs of human society, and the use of advanced polymer composites in building construction allowed engineers to achieve outstanding performance in safety and durability requirements of buildings. Polymer composites, and in particular, polyester resins reinforced with glass fibres, offer many advantages compared with traditional materials in construction sector. The paper presents the design properties of a glass fibre reinforced polyester composite, in general, and, in particular, the methodology of determining thermal conductivities, in two directions, for a structural polymeric laminate material, each laminae made of polyester matrix reinforced with fabric of glass fibres type E (E-glass). For the thermal conductivity, theoretical results are compared with experimentally obtained values. The experimental values are correlated with results from theoretical models for thermal conductivities. Results can be useful for future research on composite materials for various applications and highlight the importance and difficulty in analysis of thermal properties of a structural system made of polymeric composites.
Key Words:
polymeric composites; composite properties, thermal properties
Author(s) Information
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