Denmark Case Study Concerning Residential Buildings Rehabilitation Methodology According to BE10 Energy Demand Calculation Software and BR10 Regulation
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 1 | 2013
Pages: 57-80
Abstract text:
This paper summarizes the key aspects of a case study regarding an initial and renovated states of a residential building located in a residential complex in Denmark which has been involved in IEA Annex 56 international project whose primary objectives, as highlighted in this paper, are to select exemplary case studies to encourage decision makers to reflect on efficient and cost effective renovation methods, synthesize additional benefits achieved in the renovation process, determine cost effective combinations of energy efficiency and renewable energy supply measures. Following the directions of the EU methodology the case study aims to demonstrate the benefits of a rehabilitation process for a building connected to a district heating system and to emerge the opportunity to adapt it in the Romanian context.
Key Words:
heating demand; energy consumption; energy calculation; residential buildings renovation
Author(s) Information
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