Numerical Investigation on Thermal Efficiency of Innovative Solutions Used for Exterior Wall Rehabilitation
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 1 | 2013
Pages: 47-56
Abstract text:
Rehabilitation of residential buildings that do not comply with present efficiency requirements represents one of the strategies for reducing energy consumptions in EU countries. Therefore, ventilated façades systems are increasingly being used for retrofitting the existing building stock due to their advantages compared to compact walls. These constructive systems, if properly designed and built, can lead to energy savings and to an increase of the durability of the exterior walls. The architectural variations of the exterior layer are many, with a large number of materials that can be used (wood, brick, ceramic and metallic elements, composites, etc.). Nowadays, variations to the classical solutions are becoming more and more common. In this paper, the thermal efficiency of one of these solutions has been investigated numerically and some of the results are presented hereby.
Key Words:
ventilated façades; numerical model; rehabilitation; thermal efficiency; energy consumption
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