Calibration of a Computation Model for a Reinforced Concrete Structure Against the Experimentally Determined Dynamic Characteristics
Tomme: LIX (LXIII) Fascicle: 1 | 2013
Pages: 23-36
Abstract text:
The dynamic characteristics of the structures range are depending on their mass and lateral stiffness. In the present paper a method for improving the computation model is proposed, thus creating a link between the dynamic characteristics obtained with the computation model based on the finite element method and the experimentally determined dynamic characteristics. The finite element model was obtained using the program ETABS and the experimental dynamic characteristics were obtained on a low vibration level. To intercept the dynamic response in situ five simultaneous Kinemetrics seismometers were used placed on the longitudinal and transversal direction. The dynamic identification was performed with the ModalVIEW program based on the Stochastic Subspace Identification. The calibration of the computation model with finite elements was accomplished by adjusting the brick masonry longitudinal elastic modulus.
Key Words:
dynamic identification; transducers; shape modes
Author(s) Information
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