Hydraulic Lime Obtained from Chalk Sandstone on Liveni, Botoşani County
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 4 | 2012
Pages: 155-160
Abstract text:
Natural building material’s study – stone, clays, balast – represents an important aim for the civil engineers, researchers and also for building material’s producers. In the Jijia river rehabilitation project was analysed many stone sources from different points of interest: geological, deposits quantities, environmental impact, acces possibilities. Botoşani County has some small ballast deposits, natural local reserves being hard to extract, but also some rich zones in natural stone at the surface of the ground. The Sadoveni-Liveni chalk sandstone deposits could be exploited with minimal investments in order to produce the hydraulic lime, which could be very neccesary in local use, for construction and even in rehabilitation of damaged buildings.
Key Words:
hydraulic lime; chalk sandstone; fabrication stages.
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