Simultaneous Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of the Materials from the Layers of a Multilayer Construction System
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 4 | 2012
Pages: 123-130
Abstract text:
Estimation of thermo-physical characteristics of the exterior stratified walls is based on thermal conductivity measurements on samples of the materials that make up these walls. The methods used for these experimental measurements require the use of dry samples, a different condition that the wall material is in office. Measurement of thermal conductivity of the material composition of an external wall layers can be made in situ using a new type of thermo probe. This type of probe is based on linear heat source method for measuring thermal conductivity and measures simultaneously the thermal conductivity in two different points.
Key Words:
thermal conductivity; two layer wall; simultaneous measurement; thermo-conductive probe.
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