Obsolescence of the Building Contributions to Fundamentals Obsolescence
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 3 | 2012
Pages: 155-164
Abstract text:
Buildings as goods that best express the quality of life (compared to other categories of goods), are defined by their quality requirements. Quality requirements associated with construction have both temporal and spatial characteristics. The temporal characteristics result from the quality requirements that express the current level of human knowledge and technology in a specific period of time. Spatial characteristics result from the fact that quality requirements associated with construction express social and economic status of the country as whole. Buildings as material goods are designed to satisfy the most important human needs (which express the quality of human life), and they achieve this goal through the way they are used. From the functional perspective, buildings are subject to a complex process of wear, namely, normal physical wear, accidental wear, and obsolescence. Normal physical wear and accidental wear are based on methodology definitions formulated by INCERC Romania. However, the same methodology creates a certain level of confusion, since it defines obsolescence of capital goods group 1 “construction”, without regard to the characteristics they present.
Key Words:
building; quality requirements; normal physical wear; accidental wear; obsolescence
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