Optimization of Technical Solutions to Achieve the Reinforced Concrete Slab Floors through Numerical Simulations
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 3 | 2012
Pages: 143-154
Abstract text:
Widely use of reinforced concrete frame structures highlights the elements study of this structure type. Analysis of reinforced concrete slabs is supported by technical and economic objectives that aim to obtain innovative and feasible solutions. In this respect, the solution of hollow voided slabs is analysed in comparison with classic slab floor, stating the advantages and disadvantages of these two solutions. Previous testing and study of these variant represent another factor to be achieved in terms of technical and economic efficiency. Modeling the behavior of the structure using the simulation of analytical model by computer represent the best solution in this regard, offering a variety of load combinations and types and sizes coming to provide data needed improvement. Economic efficiency of these testing solution and almost no environmental impact, fewer people involved in the development of modeling support and validate the current trend in scientific research, of analytical simulation.
Key Words:
reinforced concrete slabs; technical-economical performance; project management.
Author(s) Information
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