Deterministic Method for Assessing the Degree of Degradation for Masonry Condominium Structures in Romanian Urban Areas
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 3 | 2012
Pages: 113-126
Abstract text:
The paper presents an assessment methodology for the degree of degradation of masonry load bearing wall condominium structures based on the deterministic approach. According to the generally accepted definition, a deterministic model is a one in which no randomness is involved in the development of future states. As such, a given input will always produce the same output. In risk analysis the events are completely pre-determined by causality and the analyses are performed in order to determine the effects of assumed events on considered structures. The methodology consists in performing nonlinear Finite Element Analysis on two types of masonry condominium structures frequently met in Romanian urban areas. The second step of the methodology involves using the values of the fundamental period of vibration, evaluated by modal analysis at the end of each earthquake scenario, to compute the degradation coefficient. The evaluation procedure of the degradation state chosen in this deterministic approach is based on a degradation coefficient belonging to the cathegory of maximum softening damage indices. The results are presented in terms of periods of vibrations and modal displacements. The degradation coefficient was computed based on the data resulted from the modal analysis and was used to classify the structures according to the reference intervals.
Key Words:
deterministic approach; nonlinear time history analysis; degradation coefficient; masonry condominium structures
Author(s) Information
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