Usage of Unconventional Energy Sources against Reducing Impact on Environment. Case Study
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 3 | 2012
Pages: 93-100
Abstract text:
In order to analyse the building reducing environmental impact by using unconventional energy sources (in this case solar energy) will calculate the annual energy necesary for the studied building (annual energy needs for heating and will add one for hot water and household electric consumers). Then it is calculated the energy consumption and CO2 emissions when using conventional energy sources (solid fuel boiler and the national energy system). Due to excessive amount of produced surplus energy, even using most performant existing batteries, their lifetime is much diminished. It is recommended the use of surplus energy for other purposes, namely for hot water or heating water in a pool. It is noted that mounted surface of photovoltaic panels provide all the building’s energy needs for about four months, between late April and early September.
Key Words:
unconventional energy; photovoltaic panels; solid fuel boiler; wood pellet boiler
Author(s) Information
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