Use of Cone Penetration Tests and Cone Penetration Tests with Porewater Pressure Measurement for Difficult Soils Profiling
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 3 | 2012
Pages: 53-66
Abstract text:
As a support for a future construction, geotechnical soil characterization is necessary by laboratory testing or in situ probing methods for optimal choice of foundation system, and for avoiding that the soil foundation will not reach the ultimate limit states or the serviceability limit states. Most of in situ methods of probing the soil foundation are made discontinuously by meter to meter, having the disadvantage that cannot provide geotechnical information for the entire depth of the investigated area. Cone Penetration Tests (CPT) and cone penetration tests with pore water pressure measurement (CPTu), are among the only tests that provide accurate information about the stratigraphic limits, lithologic anomalies and soils type as a result of continuous records of the geotechnical parameters of the foundation soil for the entire study area.
Key Words:
CPT; CPTu; in situ tests; stratigraphic limits
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