External Thermal Insulation of Buildings with Expanded Polystyrene
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 3 | 2012
Pages: 45-52
Abstract text:
External thermal insulation of the dwelling walls increasingly interests in the past years due to the tendency to lower the energy consumption both at global and national levels. In Romania it is known that most of the houses built before 90s showed and continue to show a low level of thermal insulation due to the use of materials characterized by increased heat losses and scarce thermal calculation available at that time. These heat losses exert a direct impact and general energy consumption both at national and global level and, not lastly, the owners of these dwelling through the increase of the maintenance invoices. All these aspects lead to the need to thermally insulate these buildings as well as of the new buildings to decrease the energy consumption.
Key Words:
insulation; fire; façade inspection; polystyrene
Author(s) Information
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