Experimental Study of Two Way RC Slabs with or without Openings Strengthened with Composite Strips. B. Experimental Results
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 3 | 2012
Pages: 23-32
Abstract text:
In this paper are presented the results obtained from testing eight two-way reinforced concrete (RC) slabs with or without openings that were strengthened using composite strips bonded on the tensioned face of the elements. For the strengthened slabs without openings an increase in the load-carrying capacity of 29% and a reduction of the deflection of up to 57% is achieved in comparison to the unstregthened slab. The strengthened slabs with openings had an increase in load-carrying capacity of 115% and a reduction of the deflection of up to 74% in comparison to the control specimen. The strengthened slabs have presented a progressive failure, which was controlled by the flexural failure.
Key Words:
reinforced concrete slab; strengthening; composites; experiments
Author(s) Information
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