Effect of Contiguity on Shear Elastic Modulus of Fibre Reinforced Polymeric Composites
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 3 | 2012
Pages: 9-22
Abstract text:
Unidirectional fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite elements are utilized nowadays in various applications in engineering structures. Many composite structures are made of unidirectionally reinforced laminas stacked in a certain pattern that matches the required stiffness and strength performance criteria. The constitutive equations for orthotropic laminas require the elastic constants associated with principal material axes. The elastic shear modulus of a composite lamina is a matrix dominated property that can be determined analytically using the inverse rule of mixtures. However the results obtained in such a way are much lower than the experimental values and some improvements are needed to develop more credibile evaluation models. The paper presents the most appropriate models and, in particular, the influence of contiguity factor, taking into account the effective fibre volume fractions in various fibre arrays.
Key Words:
fibrous composites; elastic constants; shear modulus; contiguity factor; analytical models
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