The Rehabilitation of Collective Residential Buildings
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 2 | 2012
Pages: 175-186
Abstract text:
The subject of rehabilitation and regeneration of the collective residential ensembles, characterized by a high level of physical and ethical wear and tear, has been the subject of interest for the contemporary society and not soon after 1990’s represents a matter of interests for Eastern Europe itself. Beneficiary of an impressive building stock, of which a significant percentage being constructed using the prefabricated panels system) Romania becomes more and more interested in the subject of rehabilitation. Therefore it is proposed a peek and a definition into the concepts of restoration, rehabilitation, restoration, urban rehabilitation with a breakdown of the process with all its components (architectural, structural and hygrothermal rehabilitation). Also in addressing the theme of rehabilitation there are specified the necessary steps to be taken to ensure the success of such interventions.
Key Words:
rehabilitation; urban and architectural landscape; collective residential buildings of big prefab panels
Author(s) Information
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