Industrial Building Conversion – The Poaching of an Already Poached Reality
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 2 | 2012
Pages: 157-164
Abstract text:
The Industrial Revolution represented one of the most significant changes in the history of mankind. Its effects, both positive and negative, are an inseparable part of the modern-day world. Industrial architecture is a machine-age heritage that is being re-evaluated and re-used. The present paper explores contemporary views on the social, phenomenological and architectural value of industrial spaces, analysing both conceptual and pragmatic methods of architecture conversion. Society is happy to “poach” an already “poached” reality, to reclaim and re-interpret the industrial architectural heritage, and architects take on the challenge of reconfiguring industrial space into new architecture, with new values and new spatial potential.
Key Words:
industrial architecture; re-use; architectural conversion; “poaching”
Author(s) Information
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