Thermal Insulation on the Interior Surface of Exterior Walls – A New Prefabricated Insulating Panel. Analysis of the Solutions Effectiveness
Tomme: LVIII (LXII) Fascicle: 2 | 2012
Pages: 127-138
Abstract text:
The outer walls have a significant share in a building envelope (surface separating the outdoor heated volume). Thermal insulation of exterior walls can be achieved by laying insulating layer on the outside or inside them. In terms of thermal insulation capacity location on the inner surface is less efficient, resulting in restricted use of this solution. Compensation is achieved by implementing simple technology installation, lower cost price and unchanged façade. Through setting the thermal insulating layer on the interior surface of external walls with polystyrene insulation experimentally proved to be a solution resulting in improved thermal comfort of the room by a decreased heat loss through exterior walls. Reduced heat loss through exterior walls (building envelope) varies depending on the solution of the inner cladding and on insulation type and thickness (2...4 cm). Following in situ (in the field) measurements, it was demonstrated that by using coating on the inside of external walls to improve their inner surface temperature on average by 0.5○C for each 1 cm increase in thickness of the insulation used. Checks in situ have shown that to obtain a real temperature on the inner/outer exterior walls, one should introduce a correction factor (Cc) applied to the formula.
Key Words:
plaster layer; polystyrene layer; tongue; groove; inner cladding; historical monuments; unchanged façades
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